Our Girls

Our gorgeous dark beauty Lyla Marie was born March 23, 2009. She was our sweet tiny baby. Four weeks early she shocked us all with how tough she was! She amazes me everyday on how smart she is!! She learns so much daily and loves it along the way.

May 15 2013 038

Our Tenley Rose- My big girl. She was born October 5, 2011. She was 7 pounds 2 ounces! A major jump in weight compared to Lyla. Also, she was my 38 weeker vbac baby!! She showed me that I could do it. That I was not broken!! Shes definitely the one who scares me with how brave she is! Shes such a climber and has no fear!

I love them both so much. They are absolutely so different with everything they do. They are my biggest and most amazing accomplishment in life.

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