A Fresh New Start

Today, I decided I would do a little research on domain names and hosting. Over the past year I have been on and off on the idea of spending money to make my blog official. I have been nervous about not keeping up with it and then really it being a waste. I have gone over and over with who to host: Bluehost, godaddy and now today 1&1. It’s about 3-5 dollars monthly. Not bad but if I don’t keep up with it, what is the point?! Well, it makes me happy. I love writing and if you know me talking. I definitely have a lot to talk about.
I made the mistake of falling in love with Wiscomom and it’s name and never really searched it much before. Well, it’s a step you must take if you decide to take the leap. To my surprise someone made wisco-mom their domain name. Oh how my heart sunk. It’s my own fault that I didn’t take the leap a year ago, but it still stings. Wiscomom will always be apart of me I think. It’s how I started.
So, here’s to a new name and a fresh start! Now to think of new name for my blog! That’s a tough thing to do! I’ve been going over some ideas and can’t wait to pick one!
I do want to thank you all for following me over the last 3 years. I hope that you can all follow me onto my next journey!