Understanding the Babbling

Last July we had someone from our local birth to three program come to evaluate Ten on her speech and motor skills. We were to wait a month and see if there was any improvement. Well, we saw an improvement and decided not to go further in the program. It is now 8 months later and we had her checked out again.
The appointment went well and I feel we are really going to see an improvement with Ten’s speech. Today, we mainly discussed what we see in her speech daily and how many words she speaks and how she communicates her needs. The teacher that was assigned to us was absolutely phenomenal. Ten warmed up to her right away. The next appointment will be in two weeks which the speech therapist will come with the teacher. They will assess her and hopefully then we will find out if she is accepted for the program.
Super thankful for this wonderful program.

A Fresh New Start

Today, I decided I would do a little research on domain names and hosting. Over the past year I have been on and off on the idea of spending money to make my blog official. I have been nervous about not keeping up with it and then really it being a waste. I have gone over and over with who to host: Bluehost, godaddy and now today 1&1. It’s about 3-5 dollars monthly. Not bad but if I don’t keep up with it, what is the point?! Well, it makes me happy. I love writing and if you know me talking. I definitely have a lot to talk about.
I made the mistake of falling in love with Wiscomom and it’s name and never really searched it much before. Well, it’s a step you must take if you decide to take the leap. To my surprise someone made wisco-mom their domain name. Oh how my heart sunk. It’s my own fault that I didn’t take the leap a year ago, but it still stings. Wiscomom will always be apart of me I think. It’s how I started.
So, here’s to a new name and a fresh start! Now to think of new name for my blog! That’s a tough thing to do! I’ve been going over some ideas and can’t wait to pick one!
I do want to thank you all for following me over the last 3 years. I hope that you can all follow me onto my next journey!