
11 weeks

Family and friends have been informed!! I wanted to make it official with my blog!! I haven’t been on in forever!

We are officially having baby number 3!
Due the end of November of this year!

14 weeks(14 weeks)

Super excited!
I am 17 weeks now! Soon we will find out the sex of the baby. We are hoping for healthy always! Boy or girl!?

16 weeks 6 days

Here are few wives tales that say boy or girl:

Morning sickness- Not really (boy)
Cravings- Salty (boy)
Babys Heartrate- 155bpm (girl)
Carrying- Round and high (girl)
Acne- Lots (girl)
Chinese Gender Chart- Says girl

Either way it will be fabulous!!

Just a few thoughts about spring and upcoming summer!

This past weekend was Easter! It was a great day! It was a simple easy day with baskets, egg hunt in the living room and relaxing until dinner time. We went to Tony’s parents for dinner and the girls definitely enjoyed spending time with their grandparents.





I saw in the newspaper that rummage sales are starting and I am super excited! I absolutely love good rummage sales and hope to hit many this summer.

Today, was in the 60s which is way above what it has been since “spring” has started. I am very thankful because the girls are getting cabin fever from being cooped up all day! I have to admit I am too! We did get to enjoy this morning before the rain hit. We ate lunch out there and played on the porch.




Thinking about summer! I am pumped to get the camper all cleaned and ready to go! Camping season is coming up quickly and I want to make sure we have all that we need done and for it!! My parents were wonderful and got the girls each their own backpacks that have camping “necessities”.

Oh how I love spring and summer! So many great activities! What is your favorite thing to do in spring or summer? I would love some more great ideas!


In 3 days, my sweet girl Lyla will be 5 years old. Not in a million years did I feel like we would be here. 5! I can still remember the first time Tony felt her kick in my belly. When she crawled across the floor and took her first step.
It’s incredible how much they change in front of your eyes! She is so smart, caring, and loving. Her passion for animals at her age is remarkable. She always tells me she is going to be a vet. She will be successful in whatever she chooses to do when she gets older.

Just a little questionnaire for my Lyla:

Favorite color: All the colors
Favorite food: broccoli
Favorite holiday: my birthday
What do you want to be when you grow up?: veterinarian
Favorite stuffed animal: a little doggy
Favorite thing to do during the day: draw
Favorite animal: snake (thanks uncle Danny)
Favorite season: summer

Happy birthday my sweet girl! You’ve turned into such a lovable girl.


Understanding the Babbling

Last July we had someone from our local birth to three program come to evaluate Ten on her speech and motor skills. We were to wait a month and see if there was any improvement. Well, we saw an improvement and decided not to go further in the program. It is now 8 months later and we had her checked out again.
The appointment went well and I feel we are really going to see an improvement with Ten’s speech. Today, we mainly discussed what we see in her speech daily and how many words she speaks and how she communicates her needs. The teacher that was assigned to us was absolutely phenomenal. Ten warmed up to her right away. The next appointment will be in two weeks which the speech therapist will come with the teacher. They will assess her and hopefully then we will find out if she is accepted for the program.
Super thankful for this wonderful program.

A Fresh New Start

Today, I decided I would do a little research on domain names and hosting. Over the past year I have been on and off on the idea of spending money to make my blog official. I have been nervous about not keeping up with it and then really it being a waste. I have gone over and over with who to host: Bluehost, godaddy and now today 1&1. It’s about 3-5 dollars monthly. Not bad but if I don’t keep up with it, what is the point?! Well, it makes me happy. I love writing and if you know me talking. I definitely have a lot to talk about.
I made the mistake of falling in love with Wiscomom and it’s name and never really searched it much before. Well, it’s a step you must take if you decide to take the leap. To my surprise someone made wisco-mom their domain name. Oh how my heart sunk. It’s my own fault that I didn’t take the leap a year ago, but it still stings. Wiscomom will always be apart of me I think. It’s how I started.
So, here’s to a new name and a fresh start! Now to think of new name for my blog! That’s a tough thing to do! I’ve been going over some ideas and can’t wait to pick one!
I do want to thank you all for following me over the last 3 years. I hope that you can all follow me onto my next journey!

Starting Continents Soon!!

We haven’t started continents yet but I am stoked! These outfits were made by my wonderful mother. She has been such a great help with all of our homeschooling. Printing, making lap books or creating outfits; she goes above and beyond! I cannot thank her enough!

When we do the actual continent I will definitely post new pictures with her playing. Here is a little preview of the outfits while grandma was fitting them on her!



Struggling Week

Honestly, I have to say being a stay at home mom is the hardest thing I have ever done. I really love being home and able to experience all the milestones. Somedays, like this week- well have been somewhat of a struggle. My brain hurts, I’m tired and feel very overwhelmed. I know many moms who seem to not have this issue and many of my friends probably don’t realize I struggle as often as I do. I have had a few friends say they wish they did crafts and such with their kids like I do. Well let’s be honest: sometimes I don’t. I don’t feel guilty either. Some days are just let’s watch tv all day and do nothing. Not even get out of our pjs. Yes, pjs are a regular attire in this household. Lately, I have been so blah with laundry well I don’t want to add the enormous pile I already have! My house is a disaster and I keep telling myself tomorrow let’s get some energy and then well it doesn’t happen. Here we are a week later, dishes aren’t fully done, laundry is pulling up, tv has been on constantly, my leggings are apart of me and naps are everyday.

The girls have been testing my patience and each other’s. It’s very hard some days they constantly fight. About who got what, she took my toy, I want to sit there. I would rather relax and just let them know they have to figure it out before I get up and start to separate them. Not sure if it’s the best idea but hopefully they learn that being nice to each other the day goes by much smoother!

Well, now I have rambled on. Let’s just say I am right there with you. You are not alone! Motherhood is hard. It is rough and sown times I think brings out the worst in some. I wouldn’t change it for the world. They make my life complete.

Though I do wish I could afford a cleaning lady! Just saying!

Hey New Year! I’m Still Catching Up

It’s been about two months since I have blogged. Christmas came and went as well as the New Year! Here’s a little catch up for you!

Our elf Pixie stopped in after Thanksgiving. She was such a hit this year! Definitely will be back next year!

The girls went with Tony’s parents to cut down a tree! We still didn’t have snow.

Tenley started a new smile! What a cutie! She loves glasses!


Lyla decorated her own christmas tree in her room. It will be a new tradition each year. Both girls will get their own tree in their rooms to decorate however they would like. She was so proud of her tree. I absolutely loved it!!

Since Tenley liked to break the ornaments and pull them off and not put them on. I decided I would still do the little tree but I would decorate it for her a little. Next year, she will decorate her own! She loved having it in her room. Every morning she would point at it and laugh and smile!

My sisters and my brothers girl friend Michelle went to my moms house and did baking! After a few hours we had a tub full for each family! Great tradition! Love spending time with family!

We have a local park that does a light show for free every December. We took the girls again this year and it was a total hit! It’s definitely worth going to see it at least once!

Lyla made her own christmas list to Santa this year! She was in heaven cutting and gluing! It’s her favorite I think! I just love her hand writing! She is getting really good at writing the letters without seeing them!

Baby Santa

The girls spent the night at my parents house and Pixie out elf went to grandmas house too!! Lyla was so surprised!! My mom was so creative with how she had Pixie the next morning! I can’t thank her enough for helping keep the spirit alive for our girls!

Tony got me a christmas gift! Origami owl jewelry. It’s a locket with two girl charms with October and march birthstones and also a march birthstone heart for him. I picked it all out! I absolutely love it!!

Christmas Eve came and we did pjs and hot chocolate after spending the afternoon at Tony’s parents! We got so many great items! It was so nice seeing everyone as well! Christmas Day we went to my parents house after we did our family opening. All the cousins were there and the kids had a ton of fun! It was nice to spend the day with family. We all got great items there as well! We were spoiled!


My nephew Jordan came to stay with us for 5 days! Lyla was in heaven! She didn’t leave his side the instant he got to our house! We stayed in at home with him on New Years! Were definitely boring! Just kidding! It’s nice to stay home sometimes and not go out!

The girls got sick and now they finally feel better! Glad we got the sickness gone and done for the year! Now we don’t need to get sick anymore! **knock on wood**
My house is a disaster but I am thankful we have a home and warm heat because the temperatures have been -20 degrees with a wind chill of -50! Yes that’s negative 50! Insane we haven’t gone any where. Haven’t done much because relax and snuggle!

Ooo in the next week I will be showing you my voxbox I received! Super pumped! Also, I will be working hard on valentines day owls! Exciting stuff happening!

Cleaning and organizing! School! LyTen Love! Busy Busy! Can’t wait to get back to blogging! See you soon!

Busy Busy

Been pretty busy here. We’ve been doing school, organizing and spending family time together. A few weeks ago Tony and I went with his parents to Illinois to do some antiquing. I have to say that I am glad we experienced it. It wasn’t what I thought it was going to be. There were so many vendors there. I think over 500! That’s a lot of walking and a lot of seeing the same things. I was hoping that were going to be much more of the items that I wanted but that wasn’t the case. The ones that I did want though the price was insane. There is no reason the price needs to be jacked up that high. I know everyone has to make that dollar but yikes!! I would definitely go to more around Wisconsin than go there again to get the prices we do!!
We have been at least going every other weekend antiquing. Then, taking the other day for family and the weekend in between for cleaning. Although, we havent done much cleaning. I did also decide to take custom orders for LyTen Love. I haven’t got too many which is probably a good thing because I have been working on a few special items. A little surprise for a friend and also a little something for our home. I am pretty excited to be getting ready for christmas. Tony agreed I could put up Christmas items the day after Halloween. Well, it’s already the 5th of November and I haven’t yet. Wow!! That is a miracle. I can’t wait to show you all the ideas I have. Also, I have been making a tradition list for the girls. Super excited!! Elf is coming to our house this year!! I have pinned so many awesome ideas. The girls are going to love him!! Is anyone else doing elf? Have any great ideas?

A Letter to my Daughter

Dear Tenley,

My dear sweet baby. That is what you are. My baby. In two days you will be turning 2 years old. I still remember it like it was yesterday finding out we were pregnant.

10 weeks

2011-03-26 21.46.48

I was not only losing my current baby into a big girl, but gaining you as my new baby. The nine months I carried you went by so fast. I don’t think I was completely ready for you yet. You were my strong and independent baby. I knew that the day you decided to stay in my belly when I fell down the stairs. That was a huge scare. I didn’t want you coming that soon and thankfully you decided to stay in there. 38 weeks was a huge milestone for me, for us. After my body decided to make your sister come at 36 weeks I was afraid you were going to as well. Such a big girl listening to me when I told you to stay in.

The last few weeks you kept teasing me though making me think you were coming. Of course you decided the day daddy worked in another town to come. We even had a 40 minute drive to the hospital. Although you didn’t care! That morning mommy had Grandma doggy come and get mommy and Lyla. That was definitely a ride. I am pretty sure Grandma didn’t want you to come in her car so we got the hospital really really fast! Safely but fast!

Once we got to the hospital it didn’t take long from there!

Only about an hour or so after we arrived daddy did too! Thankfully!!

Because at 3:27pm you were born.


If you want to read the entire birth story
Here it is

me and daddy

You were beautiful. You smelt so amazing. That amazing baby smell that I didn’t want to get rid of. I could smell you forever. I didn’t get the chance to smell your sister because of the c-section. Which saddens me because she probably smelled really good too. I know I sound crazy! Moms, am I right?! That smell is incredible. I could see so much of your daddy in you. The way you overtook my heart. It was love at first sight. My biggest fear of not having enough love for two children, well it was squashed. My heart grew! It’s a love like no other.

Wow!! Baby love really is a passion of mine. Cant ya tell?!

Back to you being a big girl! Makes me want to sob right now.

I am writing this letter to you to tell you all the wonderful things about you and what you have taught me.

Always to laugh. Dont make a scene when you get hurt. You are one tough girl. You pick up right where you left.
Patience. You don’t say much at this point yet but if I just watch you we will understand each other.

You inspire me to be a better mom.
You give the best kisses.
Babies don’t divide love they multiple it.
You help me remember that you want to be free. You are independent. Crib=cage!
You taught me not to buy new items because you are the destroyer of all things.

I love this picture of us.
It shows us very well

Even though you love being with me all day- you make me smile when I come to get you out of your crib and you yell “daddy” at me! Makes me know you love us both.
I love how you trust me to always catch you. You are so brave but at the same time still lean on me. I love that. Don’t ever stop.
You have taught me that it’s not really you needing me, but I need you.

I love you. I always will. Through it all. The hard the bad the good and amazing. Tenley Rose you have blessed me in so many ways. I cannot thank you enough.

Love forever and a day,