Hey New Year! I’m Still Catching Up

It’s been about two months since I have blogged. Christmas came and went as well as the New Year! Here’s a little catch up for you!

Our elf Pixie stopped in after Thanksgiving. She was such a hit this year! Definitely will be back next year!

The girls went with Tony’s parents to cut down a tree! We still didn’t have snow.

Tenley started a new smile! What a cutie! She loves glasses!


Lyla decorated her own christmas tree in her room. It will be a new tradition each year. Both girls will get their own tree in their rooms to decorate however they would like. She was so proud of her tree. I absolutely loved it!!

Since Tenley liked to break the ornaments and pull them off and not put them on. I decided I would still do the little tree but I would decorate it for her a little. Next year, she will decorate her own! She loved having it in her room. Every morning she would point at it and laugh and smile!

My sisters and my brothers girl friend Michelle went to my moms house and did baking! After a few hours we had a tub full for each family! Great tradition! Love spending time with family!

We have a local park that does a light show for free every December. We took the girls again this year and it was a total hit! It’s definitely worth going to see it at least once!

Lyla made her own christmas list to Santa this year! She was in heaven cutting and gluing! It’s her favorite I think! I just love her hand writing! She is getting really good at writing the letters without seeing them!

Baby Santa

The girls spent the night at my parents house and Pixie out elf went to grandmas house too!! Lyla was so surprised!! My mom was so creative with how she had Pixie the next morning! I can’t thank her enough for helping keep the spirit alive for our girls!

Tony got me a christmas gift! Origami owl jewelry. It’s a locket with two girl charms with October and march birthstones and also a march birthstone heart for him. I picked it all out! I absolutely love it!!

Christmas Eve came and we did pjs and hot chocolate after spending the afternoon at Tony’s parents! We got so many great items! It was so nice seeing everyone as well! Christmas Day we went to my parents house after we did our family opening. All the cousins were there and the kids had a ton of fun! It was nice to spend the day with family. We all got great items there as well! We were spoiled!


My nephew Jordan came to stay with us for 5 days! Lyla was in heaven! She didn’t leave his side the instant he got to our house! We stayed in at home with him on New Years! Were definitely boring! Just kidding! It’s nice to stay home sometimes and not go out!

The girls got sick and now they finally feel better! Glad we got the sickness gone and done for the year! Now we don’t need to get sick anymore! **knock on wood**
My house is a disaster but I am thankful we have a home and warm heat because the temperatures have been -20 degrees with a wind chill of -50! Yes that’s negative 50! Insane we haven’t gone any where. Haven’t done much because relax and snuggle!

Ooo in the next week I will be showing you my voxbox I received! Super pumped! Also, I will be working hard on valentines day owls! Exciting stuff happening!

Cleaning and organizing! School! LyTen Love! Busy Busy! Can’t wait to get back to blogging! See you soon!

Holiday Catch Up


It’s now Tuesday night and I am still not caught up on house cleaning. Yikes!! I feel way behind since the holiday weekend. Monday I woke up determined to get so many things done. Cross off my entire list and boom! I felt so sick. I am not sure what was going on, but I definitely couldn’t stand long without feeling like I was going to fall over. It ended up going away around 430. I did end up accomplishing one load of laundry, the dishes and straightening up the downstairs before daddy came home. Also, I had to figure out insurance information and get it all switched so it would cover the new doctor we had for the girls. We had an appointment for today and it had to be switched. So last minute. Whew! That was close! ha

Today, I had to get the girls ready for their doctor appointment. Which was nervous for since they have not been to the doctor in awhile and we were seeing a new pediatrician. I am thankful that I had figured out all the insurance mumbo jumbo and we could keep our appointment. The girls are healthy and getting so big!! Lyla is such a peanut at 29.2 lbs and Tenley at 23 lbs 12 oz she is catching up quick!!

Ended up coming home and daddy was home from already! Tenley and I took a nap while daddy and Lyla went out to the garage “to work on some wood with tools” Lyla said. She was pretty excited about all this “work” they had to do together. They were out there for awhile that Ten and I got a good snooze in.

Tomorrow, I have three other kids to watch and I am hoping to get some cleaning done before they get here at 2pm. Wish me luck!! This is hopefully to prepare me for having more kids!! I’ll probably say about 4! You might not want to ask Tony because I am sure he would say “more kids? I don’t think so!”

Babies are too cute to resist!! We will see what I say tomorrow at 6pm when all the kids are gone!

Crazy Busy Around Here

I haven’t written in awhile and need to start on this. Our computer is down, we have absolutely no idea what’s wrong with it. That’s just awesome! We don’t have money to get a new one if it can’t be fixed! It was working fine and now it doesn’t recognize the hard drive. Big issue I have with that is the pictures. If you have me added on my personal Facebook you will know I post a ton of pictures. Of my life my kids of everything. Well thank the Lord I did because who knows if we just lost 3 years worth of pictures. My children are only 3 and 11 months! Which means their entire lives!! I know! I almost cried. Which I still may If we really find out its broken broken.
Well anyways I had a little incident last week with our neighbors child. We have a breezeway or area that you come in the back door and there is about 5 stairs up and 5 stairs down. The 5 stairs up has a door to our kitchen. Last week I was in the living room changing Tenley when Lyla was running around and had said someone was here! I was like how would you know and I didn’t hear a door bell. Which we do have a door bell on our back door. I go into the kitchen and this little 8 year old girl is standing in our breezeway. She just walked into our house! Now as calmly as I could told her to never walk into my house again and to go home. My 3 year old doesn’t need to be playing with an 8 year old. Needless to say weird and I need to lock my doors when I am home.
This past weekend on Friday we had a rehearsal dinner for our two friends who were getting married on Saturday. Tony was an usher so they invited the wedding party and their wives/ girlfriends. We took the girls, everyone loved them. Had a good night. Then Saturday the girls were watched by Tony’s cousin Angie and his Aunt Pam. They took them last minute for me which was great! At about 7 that night they finished being watched at Tony’s sister Elãnas house! They had a lot of fun. Tony and I had gone to the wedding. We had a blast dancing and celebrating their big night. I do have to say that the grand march was excellent! Soo hilarious! They danced to Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO. Good memories!! The bride was beautiful in her dress! Overall, great time!



Early this week I didn’t feel the best on Monday. Tuesday and today I had done some cleaning and just getting back into the groove of normal life.

Being Sick Without Daddy

This weekend was suppose to be a great girls weekend. Also, a cleaning weekend. Tony was attending a bachelor party that was the entire weekend camping. It was going great saying goodbye to daddy was the worst thing I expected to happen. That was until Lyla got sick and passed it to me!


Handwashing all the next day was my plan to keep Tenley from getting it. Saturday I had to go to the store and pick up some food and necessary items to survive! We also got the movie The Lady and the Tramp! All was okay until we started watching the movie and Lyla being wild as she is running! Then bam! Throw up on the floor! We relaxed the rest of the night! So far today we have been alright!
Daddy came home a little earlier than expected which is always nice. He enjoyed his weekend!
Now this week is busy busy getting the rummage sale ready for Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday! Please pray it goes well! This is my first real rummage I am doing!!