First Day Adventures

The months have passed quickly and before we knew it two days ago was our start day for school. Lyla was pretty excited and I was nervous!! It has taken a ton of prepping and printing to get things ready. I was originally going to start watching some kids from the end of August until next year. In the end, Lyla was not listening as well and concentrating. My main goal is to homeschool and be successful. I chose not to watch the children in hopes it will help Lyla stay on track more this year. The first day of school was supposed to start the 3rd of September as the other kids in town. I am watching the one child the first two weeks until the new babysitter can watch him. I am so thankful that she was a friend and understanding of our situation. I just want the best for my daughters.

I still have to rearrange her schedule around since I had the start day the 3rd. Which we are still going to be working on small items just not going in deep like I was planning. So maybe its a good thing. We can start slow and easy and then work out a schedule that works for both of us.


The weekend of Labor Day, Tony and I went on a little hike near some railroad tracks and found a monarch caterpillar! I just knew it was a sign that we were going to have a great start for school. I have now made this week learning all about the life cycle of the butterfly.



I didn’t have a lot of information so I went straight to pinterest and found some great ideas! Also, I had joined a website called teachers pay teachers. It really has some great items for free as well as ones you pay for. Sign up its free!

Starting out, we made a caterpillar craft! The kids enjoyed decorating that page for the caterpillar to live on. Even Tenley joined by sitting on the table and observing and drawing on her own paper.






That night we worked on labeling a worksheet of each stage of the butterfly. She did really well writing each word. We have lots of practice to do but I have hopes she will be a pro! These work sheets I had gotten off the Teachers pay Teachers site. At the bottom of the page it gives this link.



That was all we could accomplish during the day. It was pretty late in the afternoon and I had to run to the post office and make dinner. We decided we were going to work a little more after dinner time. She was pretty excited to work again on things!!

At a rummage sale this summer, I had found these great wooden shapes for sewing. She absolutely loves it! I think it was her favorite part. She was a pro at it!!




The first week of school I had scheduled the letter I. Our first theme I wanted to use was ice cream to make it an easy fun start. So, I had prepped and made a few construction paper ice cream cones to match lower case and upper case letters. She did pretty good. There were a few she got stumped on but once she realized that another letter looked better there she figured it out. (The popsicle sticks were to keep them from blowing off the table- we had our fan on)



I had her do some pattern matching which she had fun and I didn’t realize I may have to find her a few more activities. She is so quick with these. I will have to find more challenging items.



I took simple empty jello cups (thanks mom!) punched circles from a Pepsi cardboard box and wrote numbers on the circles and put them in the bottom. She then took the sticks and put the correct number in each one. I then mixed them up and had her redo it with the blocks color coordinating. She did really well. We have 1-4 down for sure!





We worked then on a worksheet where she drew the stages of the butterfly.




I am pretty excited with how school has been going for us!! I hope everyone had a wonderful start to school.
I have been praying a lot lately to help us stay on track this year!! I am very thankful she loves to learn new things. She is pretty excited. Hoping to post weekly about what we have been learning!

Hitting the Preschool Jackpot

Starting September 1st I will be homeschooling my four-year old daughter Lyla. I am so new to this and was completely overwhelmed with all the information that is out there! I have now narrowed it down to a few great sites that have incredible printables. I know in a previous post I have written about this site and many others that I loved. Check it out Here.

There is one top website where I have now printed many pages from!

Confessions of a Homeschooler

Erica does a fabulous job at making things simple for new homeschooling moms!

I love her Letter of the Week set that you can print off a ton of free ones or purchase for 15.00 and get added extras! So wonderful! I am not currently printing off her My Pre-K Daily Learning Notebook!! So excited for this!! It has weather and time, write my name, 100 days chart, numbers, letters, and shape pages!! This will be added to our morning ritual along with a scripture.

I can’t wait til the first day of school because weekly I will be posting our routine and what we did that week!! Hope you follow along it will be fun!

Hawaiian Luau


Last year on my side of the family we all discussed how troubling it is to meet everyone for birthdays throughout the year. We decided that it would be fun to plan a one year birthday party for all the kids. There are seven all together. Ranging from age 14-1. We also live about 20 minutes to an hour away. Also, most of the older kids have so many activities going on its hard to plan for weekends that are free with summer school, dance, softball and church. It gets just a little crazy. So last year at christmas we planned that we would try it out this year in July. My parents and sister had most of all the decorations for a Hawaiian party so that’s what we went with. We were suppose to buy each child a present ten dollars or more. We also had since Christmas to get something. Which made it easier I think!! Since, most of the time I am a procrastinator when it comes to that and always buy last-minute. Well, it turned out great my parents decorated it perfect, we had grass skirts and leis and good food! Here are a few snap shots from the party!

There is a ton!! Lets just say it will be like you are there!
































The kids really loved getting together! My parents made up games and an obstacle course which was a blast. I helped Lyla through it but really she did great by herself! She kept up really well with the older kids. I cannot wait for next years party. We decided we are doing a pirate party! So fun!! Arrrrggg Matey! Well I may have to perfect that a little before the party. I have some time which is good! It had been fun already searching pirate ideas on Pinterest!!

Prepping for Homeschooling

This August I will be watching a friends son. I am pretty excited to have someone for the girls to play with! They are excited I think as well. I have been trying to get the house prepared for when he starts coming middle of August! Which is almost here! Two weeks about! Prepping for homeschooling Lyla this year, getting the house straightened up and organized, and spending time with my girls has been keeping me busy!

My mother is helping me get things organized for teaching Lyla. I am so thankful she has been so great finding so many items in her home that can help us. Manipulatives and also printing out great items. She has been setting up little containers as sensory buckets. They are amazing! I cannot thank her enough! I was afraid of how much homeschooling costs and really I haven’t had to buy anything. Mostly free printables or homemade items from around the house!

Once, I get it all arranged and set up I will post pictures!! I am hoping to post our home school adventures every week. We are starting September 1st! Wish us luck!

Forever and A Day

Tony and I have currently been dating 7 years and almost 3 months (3 days away).

Roxanne Phone 081

I am so blessed to have him. He is so wonderful. Not only does he work hard all day, he comes home with a smile on his face and always shows me love. He is so sweet with our girls, they absolutely adore him to pieces! So do I!

This has been the craziest journey I have been on in my life and I have to say I wouldn’t change a thing. Him right by my side. I will tell you some days are a struggle and we really have to work. But isn’t that what a relationship is? Working together. It isn’t just a piece of cake! You do have to make an effort. Within our seven years there has been plenty of ups and downs but he makes things so much better. When I am in a bad mood there are times where he loves to push buttons but I know he loves me so much. He is incredible and really I don’t deserve the love he gives me! I am truly blessed.

Love you forever and a day!
Best years of my life- I cant wait to grow old with you!

Holiday Catch Up


It’s now Tuesday night and I am still not caught up on house cleaning. Yikes!! I feel way behind since the holiday weekend. Monday I woke up determined to get so many things done. Cross off my entire list and boom! I felt so sick. I am not sure what was going on, but I definitely couldn’t stand long without feeling like I was going to fall over. It ended up going away around 430. I did end up accomplishing one load of laundry, the dishes and straightening up the downstairs before daddy came home. Also, I had to figure out insurance information and get it all switched so it would cover the new doctor we had for the girls. We had an appointment for today and it had to be switched. So last minute. Whew! That was close! ha

Today, I had to get the girls ready for their doctor appointment. Which was nervous for since they have not been to the doctor in awhile and we were seeing a new pediatrician. I am thankful that I had figured out all the insurance mumbo jumbo and we could keep our appointment. The girls are healthy and getting so big!! Lyla is such a peanut at 29.2 lbs and Tenley at 23 lbs 12 oz she is catching up quick!!

Ended up coming home and daddy was home from already! Tenley and I took a nap while daddy and Lyla went out to the garage “to work on some wood with tools” Lyla said. She was pretty excited about all this “work” they had to do together. They were out there for awhile that Ten and I got a good snooze in.

Tomorrow, I have three other kids to watch and I am hoping to get some cleaning done before they get here at 2pm. Wish me luck!! This is hopefully to prepare me for having more kids!! I’ll probably say about 4! You might not want to ask Tony because I am sure he would say “more kids? I don’t think so!”

Babies are too cute to resist!! We will see what I say tomorrow at 6pm when all the kids are gone!

Homemaker Binder

Lately, I have browsing Pinterest and have been obsessing with organization. I started searching house binder, homemaking binder, and home management binder and found tons of great sites with lots of free printables. I have been wanting to get a better schedule for myself and get organized with my cleaning. Some days I get a little off track and I am hoping this will help!

On Monday is July 1st. I am hoping by July 31st I will have a completed binder!! Giving myself 30 days is plenty of time to gather ideas, print off sheets and get a binder all organized. I am obsessed with lists and Tony always tells me whats the point of a list if I don’t ever use them. Well, this is hopefully a way I can keep my lists together and actually cross a ton off!!

I have a few main categories I want to have in the binder and then I will be doing subcategories.


Mission statement- I found this on

here is a link about why mothers need a mission statement.

Prayers and Daily Devotions- (monthly prayer lists for Tony and the kids)

To Do List- (daily, weekly, monthly)

Calendar- (weekly, monthly)

Cleaning- (morning routine, night-time routine, daily, weekly, monthly)

Kids Routines- (morning, night-time, weekly)

Sitting- This is for the children I am watching (child information, schedule, parent information, emergency information)

Menu- (meal planning, favorite recipes, grocery lists)

Bills- (due date, what is paid, payment plans)

Extras- (birthday lists, important numbers)

I will probably be adding as I go by and think of more items. Starting tomorrow I will be making my deep cleaning list and breaking down what I would like to do daily on what day that works for our family. I am pretty excited to get it started! I will post all the links I find the great printables as well. I am probably going to have to make a few myself just to fit it to our family but in the end I hope it works great for us!!

Do you have a homemaking binder? I would love to see if you have posted! When I finish mine I will be doing a post of it!

How To Get Pen Out Of Microfiber Recliner

Pen Mark Cleaning

This morning my four-year old daughter decided it would be a fabulous idea to draw with black pen on my tan recliner. Yes, it’s not perfect and it is bought second-hand but it doesn’t have pen on it! I have been proud of my 30 dollar recliner. It was in great shape and yes may have a few dark spots on it from the kids but otherwise its great! It was such a steal I had to get it! I’ll get to how to clean it since this post was for that not my great second-hand finds! I’ll one day post items I have found.

So here is a picture of the fabulous drawing my daughter did!

Pen Mark

I had some rubbing alcohol in the house and figured I would use this. I know somewhere I had read that hairspray works on pen because of the alcohol in it. They say the hairspray has some ingredient that can actually make the pen stick more- kind of contradicting so I figured I would go the alcohol route. Always try a spot on the furniture before you go crazy all over.

{I am not responsible if it ruins your items- please test it before trying all over}

Cleaning Pen Mark

Dab the area with rubbing alcohol- DO NOT RUB! I dabbed to make sure it would not spread even further. Also, since there were skinny lines I use Q-tips to dab at a small part. If the area is larger you can use a rag. {the rag will be ruined because it soaks up the ink}

Cleaning Pen Mark

I dabbed until I saw the ink fully come out and let air dry.

Bam!! Clean arm of recliner!!

Finished Area

Isn’t it amazing! I think so!!

Finding a Little Friend

Today we took a walk. I wanted to test out the 10 dollar double stroller I had gotten off a rummage site. Worked pretty good! We walked a few streets down and both girls seemed to enjoy it!


When we returned home we hung out in the front of the house. Played with some bubbles and ran around. Lyla then discovered a caterpillar on the step! She decided we had to make him a home an bring him inside. She is such a Tom boy! Loves bugs and reptiles! Mommy doesn’t! I’m glad she is exploring life with no fear!

